Our Precious Ethan Carter

Ethan Carter Lane was born on March 12, 2010, perfectly healthy except for a rare congenital heart defect (Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis and Supravalvular Pulmonic Stenosis) that has been passed down through the generations in my family. His sister, Emily (born November 22, 2004), has the same defect. She had two cardiac catheterizations with balloon angioplastys and open-heart surgery, all before the age of one. She is a happy, energetic little girl who has never been sickly (you would never even know she has a heart defect) and has an incredible future. Her little brother Ethan was expected to follow a similar course. He was a "normal baby"... he never looked or acted sick, never struggled, never let us know just how severe his heart defect really was. On June 4, 2010, at two months and three weeks of age, Ethan underwent his first procedure--- a cardiac catheterization with balloon angioplasty. Only they never started the actual procedure. When someone is put under general anesthesia, their blood pressure drops. When the doctors put our precious Ethan under, his heart could not handle the drop in blood pressure. He went into sudden, unexpected cardiac arrest, and teams of doctors tried everything they knew to save him. But, Jesus did the saving that day in His Own special way... and Ethan went to live forever in Heaven. This blog is simply one mother working through her grief and reconciling a Loving God with One Who allows us to suffer the loss of a child. It is also one mother wanting the world to know about her incredibly special son--- and the God Who loves him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Your Hands

Ethan (Seven Weeks Old) and Mama, April 30, 2010

Would your hands have held tight to mine as you took your first steps?

Or shaped the towers of a little sand castle until they were just right?

Would your hands have scooped up bugs and put them in a jar?

Or made lots of sticky messes for Mama to clean up?

Would your hands have made a snowball to throw at Sissy?

Or grabbed hers on Christmas morning as you looked for presents under the tree?

Would your hands have thrown a baseball to Daddy?

Or given him a high-five after a game?

Would your hands have hugged the neck of a friend when they were sad?

Or even someone you barely knew?

Would your hands have reached in your pocket to help a person in need?

Or served a meal to a hungry stranger in a soup kitchen?

Would your hands have made music in church?

Or discovered a cure for a deadly disease?

Would your hands have slipped a ring on the finger of your new wife?

Or felt her tummy when your child kicked inside her womb?

Would your hands have squeezed hers tightly as you shared the miracle of your baby's birth?

Or wiped tears from your own son's face one day?

Would your hands have welcomed the weight of your new granddaughter as she rested in your arms?

Or clasped in prayer as you thanked God for all His blessings?

Ethan, I will never have the privilege of holding your hand on Earth again.

I miss your hands. I miss you.

Hold the hand of Jesus, Sweet Boy.

Though I ache to have you with me, and I mourn what you will not do here, I must remember there is nothing more beautiful than you holding the hand of the One who gave you to me.

Oh, how I love you.

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