Our Precious Ethan Carter

Ethan Carter Lane was born on March 12, 2010, perfectly healthy except for a rare congenital heart defect (Supravalvular Aortic Stenosis and Supravalvular Pulmonic Stenosis) that has been passed down through the generations in my family. His sister, Emily (born November 22, 2004), has the same defect. She had two cardiac catheterizations with balloon angioplastys and open-heart surgery, all before the age of one. She is a happy, energetic little girl who has never been sickly (you would never even know she has a heart defect) and has an incredible future. Her little brother Ethan was expected to follow a similar course. He was a "normal baby"... he never looked or acted sick, never struggled, never let us know just how severe his heart defect really was. On June 4, 2010, at two months and three weeks of age, Ethan underwent his first procedure--- a cardiac catheterization with balloon angioplasty. Only they never started the actual procedure. When someone is put under general anesthesia, their blood pressure drops. When the doctors put our precious Ethan under, his heart could not handle the drop in blood pressure. He went into sudden, unexpected cardiac arrest, and teams of doctors tried everything they knew to save him. But, Jesus did the saving that day in His Own special way... and Ethan went to live forever in Heaven. This blog is simply one mother working through her grief and reconciling a Loving God with One Who allows us to suffer the loss of a child. It is also one mother wanting the world to know about her incredibly special son--- and the God Who loves him.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


These are the last pictures we took of Ethan before he met Jesus face to face.

According to my camera, they were taken at 8:13am that morning... about an hour before he left our arms and entered the Cath Lab.

We had just realized he was cutting a tooth the afternoon before, and Daddy had bought him Orajel and a teether. The teether was way too big for his little mouth, so here I am giving him a clean finger to bite down on.

Less than three months old and cutting a tooth! Seriously, the top of it had already broken through his gum! Ever since he went to Heaven, I've felt like God let him get it so early so we could have the gift of seeing him cut his first tooth. Yet another precious, precious memory...

I look at these pictures (as well as the others from that morning) and it is so unreal--- as it always is--- that less than two and a half hours later, he would be in Heaven.

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